If you have been facing any kind of digestion issue may be like bloating. diarrhea, constipation , stomach ache, heart burns and so on. Then you are at the right place. Keep reading this post to the end and you’ll get to know reasons and causes and their cure in this post.
While writing this post i came across three intersting facts :
A major junk of people are facing some or other issures related to digestion.
The solution to these is fairly easy and practical
The impact of these solution is within a few couple of days, not even weeks or months.
So without any delay lets get started.
Important of digestion
Almost 80% of human illness is directly is or indirectly related to stomach where food is digested. Let alone muscle building or or fat loss with poor digestive system leaving disease free is difficult. Here are 5 major ways to get instant relief from digestive problems.
Jeera / Cumin seeds water solution

One of the best home remedies for weak digestive system.
1. Take a pan , add 1 glass of water.
2. Put 1 Teaspoon of jeera /cumin seeds in the pan.
3. Let it boil till solution reduces to half the quantity.
4. Strain and drink
Cumin seeds increases the activity of digestive enzymes in the liver helping in digestion. Its also recommended to chew the leftover cumin seeds for the best result but its optional.
Hing/ asafoetida Water solution

This is another powerful spice helps relief gas issue and increase the blood flow in the digestive system. This is a wonderful medicine that works best for weak digestion.
- Add 2 pinches of hing/asafoetida in 1 glass of warm water.
- Take it 30 minutes before the meal.
Isabgol/psyllium husk

If your are suffering from constipation or diarrhea this is what you actually need. This could be the best thing to clear the waste from your digestive track.
- If suffering from constipation
take 1 teaspoon of isabgol/psyllium husk mixed with 1 glass of warm milk, 30 minutes before the bed. - IF you are suffereing from diarrhea ,
have 1 teaspoon of isabgol mixed in curd empty stomach in morning.
Note : Isabgol should be consumed instantly else it will cause choking.
Carrom/Ajwain and Fennel/Saunf seeds

These tow actually helps in secrete the gastic juice necessary for proper digesiton.
- Simply chew 1 teaspoon either carrom/ajwain seeds or fennel/saunf seeds after the meal.
- It will help the food to digest instantly.
Aloe Vera juice

Aloe vera juice increase the water content in your intestine helping you pass the stool normally and also essential for skin.
- Mix 20 mil of aloe vera juice in warm water an have in empty stomach in morning for fast results.
So these were those 5 useful methods to get you instant relief for your digestive system.