8 Things to Know before Hair transplant- FUE or FUT

8 Things to Know before Hair transplant- FUE or FUT

Nowadays, it is very common to have baldness. Baldness is a common problem in every age group. This could happen due to many reasons. Lack of nutrients, genes, water or some diseases that resulted in hair loss. If baldness is severe, the one should go for hair transplant.

Who should go for Hair Transplant?

Mostly medicines can do miracle and help you to gain some of hairs back. With the help of medicine hair could be regrown again, but if you are in stage above than stage 2, these medicines will not give you result as expected, the you should consider going for hair transplant.

8 Things to Know before Hair transplant- FUE or FUT

                      Pic source:https://www.igraftglobalhairservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/norwood-ludwig-scale-crop.jpgPic source:

In above image you can clearly see the different stages of baldness. If you look closely you will find that stage 1 or stage 2 does not look bad on terms of look. In other way stage one and stage people gets treated by using some medicines.It’s up to the person if he/she wants to go for transplant or not.

Apart from stage and stage 2 other stages shows high baldness patches which could be treated with medicines but the result will not be as expected. People with baldness stage greater that stage 2 should go for hair transplant.Again it’s up to you guys.

8 Things to Know before Hair transplant- FUE or FUT

Causes of Baldness

  • Lack of nutrients  It’s the most common thing to lack some nutrients in our daily diet. Since in fast moving live we can not keep track  on our health and diet. Omega-3 compound is mainly helpful in gaining healthy hairs. You should go for food that has high omega-3 content like fishes or if you are a vegetarian flax seeds, walnut, chia seeds. 
  • Improper lifestyle For working group, it becomes hard to make balance between food , exercise and work. This is one more factor that could result in hair loss which ultimately results in balndess if you don’t take care of it in earlier stage. You can plan your day to how to balance your daily routine with work, food and exercise involved in it.
  • Hereditary issue This could actually result in baldness and cure for it doesn’t seem good since this is a gene issue. For them they should go for hair transplant.

Now we should discuss on what are the things one should keep in mind before going for hair transplant.

1. Procedure type : (FUE or FUT)

Though in recent technology science FUE or FUT are common surgical procedure available today.

  • FUT (Follicullar Unit Transplantation), is a surgical procedure where a slice of skin from the donor are is cut off, and follicles are taken out and transplanted to the recipient areas.
  • FUE(Follicular Unit Extraction), is a recent or you can say latest surgical procedure where from donor area, follicles are extracted out with the help of tools after giving anaesthesia onto the donor area. After collecting follicles,they are transplanted to the recipient area.

FUT’s disadvantage is that after slicing off the donor area, surgical marks are left over there whereas in FUE no surgical marks are left.

2. Cost of  hair transplant

Cost of hair transplant varies from clinic to clinic.Mostly for a single graft(FUE), it cost from Rs 25-40.Probably if you hair receded more will cost you more.And mostly including medication and surgery costs you approx Rs 1 lac to 2 lac depend on your type of baldness and clinic you go for.

3. Risks and complications

Probably there are no risk of hair transplant but you need to ask your doctor for all the risks or complications that could happen after transplantation.

4. Preparation before hair transplant

One should be mentally prepare before going for hair transplant. Since it’s a surgical method it could be not comfortable for many to cope with it during surgical procedure.

5. After Care

After having all the procedures done you should be looking got take care of your transplanted hair. Since after transplant transplanted hairs will not be rooted up strongly, you should keep special care of it. You should not allow any dust particle or rain water since. Doctors will provide a surgical cap after the procedure is done. 

6. Do Hair Transplant Pain

If you ask this, the answer is yes, it do pain. While getting operated you will not fell any pain since aneasthesia is given to the transplnated are but once the effect of aneathesia starts lowering down you might feel some pain in your back area. Dcotors will provide you the medicines to cope with these issue. It’s just a minor pain.

7. Internet of Things

Before going for anything one should go online and search and do some research on transplantation. Internet is full of reviews and clinic names.You can do some research on particular clinic’s reputation and doctor’s reputation.

8.Expertise of Surgeon

This is the  most important aspect you should keep in mind before going for anything.One should go to doctor who have been in this for years and have good experience.

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