Is Petroleum Jelly Edible For Humans?

Petroleum jelly is a popular product that many people use for various purposes. Some of the most common uses are for moisturizing dry skin, as a beauty product to help keep makeup looking fresh and undisturbed all day, and even in hair products.

However, there are some people who have questions about whether or not petroleum jelly can be eaten or used in cooking recipes.

Yes, petroleum jelly is actually edible and has been used in some countries for years as a treatment to help soothe digestive problems. It is not good on its own because it does not have any nutritional value, but when mixed with other ingredients like sugar you can make something delicious that will be safe for you to eat!

Here are the five ways to use petroleum jelly


Is petroleum jelly edible?

Petroleum jelly is actually edible and has been used in some countries for years as a treatment to help soothe digestive problems. It does not taste very good and it should definitely not be eaten on its own since it doesn’t have any nutritional value. However, when mixed with other ingredients such as sugar, it can taste good and be a delicious treat that is safe for you to eat.

Ways in which petroleum jelly can be consumed

Petroleum jelly has been used for years in some countries to treat digestive problems and is also edible. The jelly does not have any nutritional value on its own, but when mixed with other ingredients such as sugar you can make a delicious treat that will be safe to eat!

  • Mixing with sugar- In order to make a delicious treat that is safe, mix petroleum jelly with sugar and other ingredients like chocolate.
  • Using as an alternative- You can also use petroleum jelly in place of some things you eat or drink such as mayonnaise on sandwiches and butter on toast since it has the same consistency.
  • Mixing into desserts- Another way to enjoy petroleum jelly is by mixing it into desserts such as chocolate pudding.
  • Using in food- Some people also use the jelly in-home cooking recipes like baked beans to give them a unique flavour and texture that you can’t find anywhere else!

Benefits of eating petroleum jelly or vaseline

There are many benefits of eating petroleum jelly or vaseline such as relief from constipation, improved digestion and stomach ache symptoms. You can also eat it to help with bloating and flatulence!

Relief from constipation

Petroleum jelly is good for constipation relief since it provides lubrication in the digestive tract.

Help with digestion

Another benefit of eating petroleum jelly or vaseline is that it can help with indigestion and stomach ache symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, flatulence etc. This is because the jelly works to coat your stomach and intestines to prevent further digestion issues.

Relief from stomach ache

You can also eat petroleum jelly or vaseline if you are suffering from stomach pain, indigestion, heartburn etc since it will coat your stomach with a protective layer that prevents further damage!

Helps in weight loss

It is also very good for weight loss since it can help you feel fuller and prevent overeating.

How is petroleum jelly made?

Petroleum jelly, which is sometimes called Vaseline, has been around since the late 1800s. Many people do not realize that petroleum jelly is actually a byproduct of oil refining. Petroleum jelly has many uses and can be used for treating digestive problems such as bloating, indigestion or constipation relief.

How to make your own Vaseline- If you want to try making your own petroleum jelly at home in place of buying it from the store, you can use a few simple ingredients. To do so, simply mix together one part liquid oil with two parts solid oil until it has reached your desired consistency.

Tips to use petroleum jelly or vaseline for constipation relief

Petroleum jelly works by coating your stomach and intestines with a protective layer that prevents further damage! This also helps to prevent digestive problems such as bloating, indigestion or heartburn.

Petroleum jelly is a great way to treat digestive problems such as indigestion, bloating and even constipation! However, it’s important that you take note of the following tips when using this product:

Take small doses

You need to use small doses of petroleum jelly or Vaseline since it can stay in your system for a long time.

Don’t overuse

Another tip is that you should not overuse petroleum jelly because the effects will be long lasting and this could lead to constipation relief complications if used excessively!

Side effects related to petroleum jelly or vaseline

There are a few side effects related to petroleum jelly or Vaseline which you need to be aware of before using it.

  • Allergies- One of the most common side effects is that petroleum jelly can cause allergies or irritation on your skin.
  • Adverse reactions- If you have a history of allergies or skin sensitivities, it is important that you speak to your doctor before using petroleum jelly!
  • Stomach pain- Another possible side effect is stomach aches such as bloating, cramps etc if you eat too much of it! Petroleum jelly should be used for constipation relief in small quantities since large doses could lead to complications.
  • Other side effects- Another common side effect with the use of petroleum jelly is bleeding and its accumulation in tissues. This could cause black eye discolouration if used on eyelids for constipation relief.


Petroleum jelly or vaseline is a product that has been around for over 100 years and can be used to treat digestive problems such as constipation, indigestion etc! It also helps in weight loss by making you feel full and preventing overeating which leads to better digestion overall. However, it’s important that you take note of the side effects before using petroleum jelly for constipation relief. It’s also important to take small doses since it can stay in your system for a long time if taken excessively!



